the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals project, a seminar on the topic "Problems of tobacco smoking"

26 march, 2024

On March 25, 2024, with in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals project, a seminar on the topic "Problems of tobacco smoking" was held, organized by 3rd year students of the specialty "Foreign Philology" of the Turksoy department. The purpose of the seminar is to prevent the growth of the smoking process among young people and solve the problem of its electronic version, as well as to share relevant information. Recently, it has been noticed that this trend is too dangerous for Kazakh youth and slows down the progress of a healthy lifestyle in general. The youth of Almaty is especially fond of smoking. What is the interest of tobacco smoking among Kazakh youth, is it an excessive interest in tobacco products, or the lack of propaganda, or an excessive increase in advertising of tobacco products?! Such a question should make young people think! Discussions were held among students about the prevention of this tobacco addiction.

A slide report prepared by 3rd year student Asan Anar on the topic "Problems of tobacco smoking" highlights the growing popularity of tobacco products and its impact on the social development of society. According to the speaker, 30% of the population of Kazakhstan, i.e. 4.8 million people, suffer from smoking. Of these, 1 million are women, that is, girls. And 120 thousand of them are teenage girls aged 13-15. Of course, if we further refine the statistics, terrible figures will still appear.

In general, although they talk about the harmful effects of tobacco on the human body, the younger generation pays little attention to this. On the contrary, the appearance of electronic cigarettes increases the interest of smokers and increases the addiction to smoking among schoolchildren. This is a very dangerous trend for our society. This issue attracted the attention of deputies and put on the agenda the issue of a legal solution to this problem. This is a major campaign of the Kazakh society against tobacco smoking," Asan Anar said.

The mentioned seminar will be very useful for young people. We will talk about the dangers and dangers of smoking in many stands. We will also use new methods to solve them. To do this, it is necessary to improve the health of Kazakhstani youth.

The students discussed the topic and offered various solutions. The seminar was held in the context of very useful information.


Curator-advisors Abeldaev J.A., Nazarova A.J., Shuinshina-Meta N.M.