28 september, 2023

Visit to Japan of the senior lecturer of the Department of Geography, Land Management and Cadastre of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management, Candidate of Geographical Sciences Mylkaidarov Alim Tolekuly.

Making geographical trips to Tokyo, Yokohama, Kyoto, Naru and other cities of Japan, a highly developed country of the world, he analyzed the peculiarities of urban development, the infrastructure of the city and the peculiarities of everyday life, traditions, culture and life of the population, as well as the development of the transport industry. The world-famous Nissan, Sony, Panasonic, etc. after visiting the companies, getting acquainted with the museums and visiting the famous Shinkansen high-speed train, which runs at a speed of 250-300 kilometers per hour, along the fast and fast metro line, which runs in every city, I was convinced of the high degree of transport infrastructure. Japan, which is achieving high success in combining education and science, culture, is among the economically leading countries, so we can learn a lot from countries like Japan. One of the main values is to convey what I have seen to the students by analyzing what I have learned.

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