26 december, 2023


about the business trip of a senior researcher

Ryskelzhieva A.M. to Germany

(Leipzig, Berlin, Halle)

from 04 to 11 December 2023

Footing: The implementation of research on the BR18574227 project is a scientific and applied justification for the management of the PSS to prevent desertification processes in the southern regions of Kazakhstan, to ensure sustainable development of rural areas.

The purpose of the business trip: to improve the skills of young scientists and establish foreign contacts, study and gain experience in German regulation of agriculture, sustainable land use development, landscape planning and consult specialists on publishing articles in rating journals included in the Scopus and Web of Science databases.


Institute of Agricultural Development in Countries with Economies in Transition. Department of General Conditions for the Development of the Agricultural sector and Analysis of Agricultural Policy named after Leibniz (IAMO) in Halle (Saale). The first word about the scientific activities of the Institute as a whole and about the problems of agroeconomics in Central Asia was voiced by PhD Doctor Nodir Dzhanibekov. Colleagues from Germany, PhD Lena Kuhn, PhD Atabek Umirbekov, PhD Ihtiyor Bobozhonov, took part in this meeting. During the work, issues of internship and mobility of teachers and doctoral students, as well as issues of joint research work were discussed.

- The Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) in Halle (Saale). He made a report on the research of the Center for Space Technology and Remote Sensing of the Earth. The topics of scientific projects for further submission to competitions of both domestic and German grants and the publication of a joint article in rating journals included in the Scopus and Web of Science databases were discussed with professors Gerd Schmidt.