«Modern education is the key to a bright future»

26 march, 2024

On March 26, 2024, the lecturer of Russian Philology and World Literature Department, A.N. Spanbek together with the 1st year students of  «6B02312 - Russian as a Foreign Language» and «6B11201 - Life Safety and Environmental Protection» majors   held the event  on the topic: «Modern education is the key to a bright future» within the framework of SDG: «Quality Education». The event was aimed at  discussing and analyzing current issues in the field of modern education, identifying key aspects that determine the successful future of students, and exchanging experiences between participants.
During the event, the participants successfully presented short stories about their ideas about the modern educational system and discussed  a variety of opinions and ideas  on how to improve education. They  asked interesting questions and expressed their opinions, which contributed to an active dialogue. The participants successfully compiled a list of modern technologies and tools that can improve the educational process. During the discussion, they  gave reasons for their choice of technologies, discussing their advantages and roles in modern learning.
The event was productive and allowed  the participants to discuss modern challenges and opportunities in the field of education.