1 march, 2024

On February 5, 2024, in the dormitory  № 4 of the Department of Geography, Land Management and Cadastre, a special lesson entitled "Earthquake safety measures" was held for students. This lesson was organized by the head of our department, associate professor Tokbergenova A.A., as well as teachers: Satvaldiev B.T. and Usarov O.B.

The essence of the lesson was to study the seismic situation in the city of Almaty and subsequent repeated earthquakes.

As part of the lesson, a specially prepared presentation was presented to the students of the department, where safety measures in the event of an earthquake were explained, that is, safe places in classrooms, actions in case of emergencies and first aid to victims. In addition, at the end of the lesson, the problems that arose in the classroom with the presence of students were discussed. As part of the event, the students expressed their suggestions for improving the situation and asked to hold similar classes in the future.