SDG 4. Open curatorial hour dedicated to Shezhire DayFarabi University

SDG 4. Open curatorial hour dedicated to Shezhire Day

15 march, 2024

March 15, 2024, at the Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University an open curatorial educational hour was held dedicated to the day of “Shezhire”, organized by students of the 1st year educational program “Technical Physics” (group 117), 1st year undergraduates Makanova A., Zhumagalieva S. and teachers of the department.

During the event, amazing traditional songs, scenes, and traditions were demonstrated to the guests, conveying a fragment of the spirit of Kazakh culture, filled with beauty. The event was dedicated to the day when the genealogical tree of a family, people, and ancestors is usually told.

At the educational event, 1st year students read poems by Kazakh poets, and national oral literature on the topic of genealogy, and also provided information about a date that has historical background. In addition, the Kazakh tradition “Syrga salu” was demonstrated to the guests at the event. The hosts of the event organized a quiz with short questions and answers with the participants, and small prizes were awarded to those who answered correctly. The students of the group performed Abai's song on the violin and guitar in a modern style. The curtain of the evening was closed with a song glorifying the expanses of our vast homeland.


Curator-adviser of the group: Ospanova Sh.S.