Anti-corruption culture and anti-corruption consciousness of youth as a key to success in combating corruption in Kazakh society

27 march, 2024

Within the framework of SDG 17 "Partnership for Sustainable Development", the teaching staff of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held a guest lecture for students of the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University on March 27, 2024. Lecture topic: "Legal education and legal education as the basis for the formation of an anti-corruption culture and anti-corruption awareness among young people."
Highlighting the relevance of the problem of corruption, Head of the Department Karlygash Useinova stressed the importance of legal education and upbringing in the formation of an anti-corruption culture in modern society and the severity of the problem of corruption, which is able to offset any achievements of a democratic rule of law.
In the context of threats to national security, Associate Professor of the department Leila Kultemirova emphasized the scale of the consequences of corruption for the state, its destructive potential for the achievements of Kazakh society in various fields of activity, for the future generation of the country and, in general, for the image of the state in the world community.
Aidar Zhainak raised questions about the role of civil society in combating corruption, focusing the audience's attention on the relevance of constructive interaction between the state and civil society institutions. As a doctoral student, he chose the problems of corruption in the system of state bodies as the area of his research activity.
And finally, Beisetbai Merey, a member of the Sanaly Urpak student club, voiced her vision on combating corruption, noting that "the fight against corruption is in the hands of young people, because young people are the future of the Republic of Kazakhstan."