SDG 4. Educational event "Ulystyn uly kuni"Farabi University

SDG 4. Educational event "Ulystyn uly kuni"

26 march, 2024

An open educational lesson «Ulystyn uly kuni» was held at the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The open educational lesson was attended by teachers of the Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics, undergraduates and the SaS-133 group of the 1st year of the specialty «Standardization and Certification».

During the event, undergraduates Bagdauletova Ayim and Kuandyk Akzhol organized group games in order to revive traditions, rituals, and familiarize themselves with the peculiarities of each region. During the lesson, the importance of preserving traditions, literature and art - the treasures of the people that have come down from century to century - was discussed, and the responsibility of the younger generation for preserving traditions was determined.

Responsible curator: Baizhumanov K. D.