Taking urgent measures against climate change and its consequences

25 march, 2024

On 03/25/2024, within the framework of SDG No. 13 "Taking urgent measures against climate change and its consequences", G. B. Teleuev, senior lecturer at the Department of Customs, Financial and Environmental Law of the Faculty of Law of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, held a round table with first-year students of the Law educational program. tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan" Ecotourism is the fastest growing sector of the tourism industry, accounting for 25% of world tourism. According to the World Tourism Organization, the number of ecotourists increases by 20% annually. Kazakhstan, with a large number of clean and untouched natural sites, has great potential for the development of ecotourism. Interesting natural landscapes, unique ecological trails combined with ethnocultural tourism will not leave even the most sophisticated tourists indifferent. The main feature of ecotourism is the preservation of biodiversity and ecosystems when visiting natural areas. Ecotourism also allows for the creation of economic conditions in which nature conservation will be beneficial to local communities.Therefore, it is very important to determine the legal basis of eco-tourism. The students asked questions on the topic and discussed the current problems of legal support for eco-tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan.