Teaching in a new educational paradigm is the requirement of the present time

28 march, 2024

On March 28, 2024, with the framework of SDG 4: Quality Education” Aigul Sakenkyzy Otemis, the 1 st year PhD student of Literary Studies major held a demo  lesson  on  “Modern Kazakh Literature” discipline within the framework of her pedagogical practice.  The given discipline is taught by the  senior lecturer  Shortanbay Shokhan Amangeldiuly.  The head  of the pedagogical pracice is  PhD  senior teacher  E.S. Seisenbieva. Aigul Otemic held the demo lesson with the  3rd year students of Group 301 majoring in   “Kazakh Philology”. The topic of the lesson was  “Monologue and dialogue in Bakkozhi Mukai’s novel “Omirzaya”.  During the lesson she  divided the students into 3 groups having named them: “Flame”, “Truth” and  “Consciousness”.

At the first stage of the lesson,  each group  defended the  poster prepared by them using the interactive whiteboard. The student  spoke about  about “Soviet reality” during the famine period, i.e., the heavy burden of life which is described in the novel. They also analyzed   the author’s signature. The second stage included the viewing of  a video based on B. Mukai’s novel “Omirzaya”  using an interactive whiteboard.  The students shared their thoughts on the video. The third stage consisted of  reflections  using “B.B.B.” method. According to this method, the novel looks like this: “Before. Today.  The students also  expressed their opinion about  the Bolashak issue. That is, the ideological content of the novel was recognized in the past, what the reader feels when reading it today.  Then  they  expressed their opinions  about what important issues might  arise in the future. The demo lesson achieved its goal.