Kazakh national games

27 march, 2024

The lecturers of the Department of Language and General Educational Training of Foreigners are Associate Professor G.A. Musaeva and senior teacher G.A. Mashinbayeva held an open curatorial hour on the topic of Kazakh national games for foreign students of group 5-6 in the direction of "TDM-3 Good health and well-being" as part of the campaign "I choose a healthy lifestyle". The purpose of this event is to familiarize foreign listeners with the cultural life and national characteristics of the country while teaching the language.

          Since the main occupation of the nomadic Kazakh people is cattle breeding, their national games are also in harmony with the people's life. National games in the life of the people are divided into games played on horseback, games played in a group, but the main features of the people's life can be seen in all of them.

Among them, the names of the games "Togyzkumalak", "Arkantartys", "Oramal Tasтаmak", "Ak suyek" were analyzed. Students also tried to play these games under the guidance of teachers. Through the games, the listeners replenished their vocabulary and received information about Kazakh culture.