National Values ​​– the base of Quality Education

19 march, 2024

      On March 19, 2024, 1st year students of the Faculty of History of the specialty “History with knowledge of a foreign language” and group curator-advisor R.O. Sadykova held an action event entitled “National Values ​​– the base of Quality Education.”

     The measure was taken in the direction of Sustainable Development Goal 4. Quality education. The aim of the event is outreaching of national traditions and learning them.  During the event, activists of the group asked  students and teachers in the hallway or in the faculty classrooms about national traditions and Nauryz and tested their knowledge. Those who answered correctly were awarded Kazakh sweets - a domestic product of our country. In addition, as the basis of our national meal, delicious bauyrsaks were distributed to teachers of departments, management and staff of the dean.