Honest man - honest work - honest success
On March 30, 2024, the Economics Department held an event on the theme "Honest man - honest work - honest success", based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, with the aim of decent work and economic growth of the 8 SDGs. Candidate of Law, member of the National Kurultai under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Dautaliev Kazybek Nurseitovich took part in the event as a special guest. During the event, Dautaliev K.N. discussed issues related to conscientiousness in work and income. He stressed the importance of an honest approach to work, and also drew attention to the negative consequences of unfair money-making practices such as unfair betting and other immoral practices. His words about ethics and principles of fairness in labor relations, as well as his important thoughts on how everyone can contribute to creating an honest and supportive work environment, became a source of inspiration. Organizers: Organizers: Ilyashova G.K., Kuliyev I.U., Turarov D.R.