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- Winner of the Republican contest of scientific projects “Daryn” in general education subjects
Winner of the Republican contest of scientific projects “Daryn” in general education subjects
Within the framework of SDG 4, which aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, including the education of young children who do not attend university, a research project was carried out by a pupil of grade 11 B of CSI “School-gymnasium №5” Shayki Khantemir. He was awarded a diploma of III degree at the Republican competition of scientific projects “Daryn” on general education subjects, held in Taraz from February 28 to March 1, 2024. Before being admitted to the republican contest, the pupil passed the city stage and received a diploma of III degree, having successfully defended his project work before the jury, as well as successfully passed the test in chemistry.
The work was carried out at the Chair of Physical Chemistry, Catalysis and Petrochemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the Private Institution “Institute of Polymer Materials and Technologies”. Scientific supervisors of pupil were associate professor of the Chair of Physical Chemistry, Catalysis and Petrochemistry Akbaeva Dina Nauryzbaevna and school chemistry teacher Ongarbaeva Zhanar Siyazbekovna.
The scientific project “Synthesis of biocatalyst on the basis of amphoteric cryogel for ethanol oxidation”, declared in the competition, in structure resembles a scientific research and is aimed at solving the practical problem of alcohol oxidation with obtaining a variety of reagents. In the course of the project the contestant has chosen the problem and topic, justified the relevance, defined the objectives of the tasks, object and subject of research, selected and studied materials on the topic, compiled a bibliography, selected research methods, developed a project plan, written and formalized the research project. The experience gained will allow Shayki Khantemir to implement projects in life, to understand well that a good idea in itself does not decide the outcome of the case, to imagine the mechanism of implementation and how the final product will look like.
Associate professor, d.ch.sc. Akbayeva D.N.