"Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is 90 years of success"

27 march, 2024

            On March 27, the presentation of” 90 years of success"  a series of books by the Faculty of Philology "dedicated to the anniversary of al-Farabi Kazakh National University took place in the scientific library of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

           The  representatives of the university administration, the faculty  scientists and students, master’s degree students and PhD students of the Faculty of Philology took part in the event.  The dean of the Faculty of Philology, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, PhD, Professor Bayan Umirbekovna Dzholdasbekova made an accent on the importance of the event which was  dedicated to the anniversary of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and  held  within the framework SDG 4: Quality Education. The anniversary series contains 10 publications, which are not only  scientific papers, but also  the papers  about the history of  the faculty development,  its successes and achievements, objectives  and plans for the development of the Faculty of Philology. Collective and author's monographs are devoted to various issues of modern linguistics and literary studies. This project covered  the works of scientists who have made an invaluable contribution to the development of the university. The series books included "The experience of studying Turkic languages" monographs  by Amanzholov A.S,  “Official business language” and “Kazakh-Russian dictionary of compatibility”   by Suleimenova E.D. and   "Phonological patterns of development of the vocabulary of Turkic languages" by  B.Sagyndykuly.  "90 years of success"  jubilee series comprises  "Anthology of Russian-language literature of Kazakhstan" monograph by B. U. Dzholdasbekova, which covers  and systematizes material that allows you to understand the chronological and qualitative boundaries of Russian-language literature of Kazakhstan, to be introduced to  the biography and  the poetics of prose writers.  "Phraseosemantics" monograph by R.A.Avakova   and the collective monograph "Teaching foreign languages in the modern Kazakh educational paradigm"  discuss  the current problems of modern science and propose ways to solve them, as well as to  identify promising topics for further scientific and applied research. The collective monograph "Graduates of the Faculty of Philology poets and Writers (two volumes)" edited by O.Abdimanuly and A.B.Temirbolat is dedicated to graduates of the Faculty of Philology who have made a huge contribution to the development of Russian literature. This event is an important step towards drawing attention to the SDGs and educating a new generation of leaders who are ready to accept the challenges of the modern world and strive for the sustainable development of our planet.