Event within the framework of teaching practice
SDG 4 - “Quality education”: within the framework ofsustainable development goal 4, on April 1, 2024, master’sstudents of the EP Management, implementing pedagogicalpractice, held an event on the topic: “The power of education: the path to a master’s degree”. In order to acquaint 3rd yearstudents of the OP “Management” and “State and LocalAdministration” with the possibilities of obtaining a master's degree abroad, they were familiarized with foreign master’sprograms for Kazakh students and the rules for submittingdocuments.
Guests of the event were Isakhan Asemai (University ofTsukuba, Japan) and Nezhdanova Alexandra (University ofLille, France and University of Ghent, Belgium). They sharedtheir experience of participating in grant competitions foradmission to master's programs abroad. The guests spoke aboutthe interesting student life within the walls of a foreignuniversity. In addition, games were organized during whichstudents demonstrated knowledge of the culture and attractionsof our country, which they will need abroad. Head of teachingpractice, advisor - Ph.D., Associate Professor S. T. Kupeshova.