Career guidance work among college students

4 april, 2024

On 04/04/24, Deputy head of the Faculty of Vocational Training of the Karaganda Academy named after B. Beisenov, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Akhmetzhanova Nadezhda Nikolaevna conducted career guidance work among college students. 
The Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Barimbek Beisenov is a higher educational institution where the faculties of full-time and part-time education train specialists with higher legal education in the specialty "Law enforcement" in operational investigative activities and investigative and criminalistic specialties. 
During the meeting, Akhmetzhanova N. N. spoke about the advantages of a military educational institution for training future law enforcement officers. Any applicant in the future will have the opportunity to receive a free education if they apply to this educational institution, as well as receive a scholarship and receive the rank of lieutenant. The 4 years allocated for training are counted as service experience. 
At the end of the meeting, students interested in information asked questions to the representative of the university and received a lot of valuable information.

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