Requirements for the use of electronic resources on the PROF platform

4 april, 2024

04.04.2024, the Director of development of IPR Media, Vita Kutueva, held a meeting with the teaching staff of the college. The main goal of this company is to create a comprehensive mechanism for organizing a full-fledged educational process with the creation of an educational electronic resource and providing 100% of students with educational content that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education.
During the meeting, the representative of the company focused on the main advantages of the PROF platform, in particular, this platform is exclusive content in Kazakhstan, remote work with students and groups is possible, a digital mentoring system has been launched, general and detailed statistics on college students are maintained, users are centrally managed on any electronic devices in a single window format 24/7 access is provided, library collections are constantly updated on the electronic resource, educational content for the blind has been adapted (text increase up to 400% without loss of quality), free updates are available for subscribers, the resource is included in the register of domestic software and developed by a Russian IT company. In general, it was noted that this is an indispensable platform that can be used in the educational process for both teachers and students. 
At the end of the meeting, the college teachers asked the representative of the company questions and received comprehensive answers on the rules of using the platform, an information sheet was distributed to each teacher.