KazNU announces competition for study within the framework of academic mobility

8 april, 2024

NAO "Al-Farab Kazakh National University" announces a competition for study within the framework of academic mobility (bachelor's degree) for one semester with the mandatory recalculation of mastered educational training programs in the form of credits according to the order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of RK from February 15, 2024 № 62 "On approval of the number of places in organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education to study abroad within the framework of academic mobility in 2024.

Submission of documents for participation in the competition within the framework of academic mobility at the expense of the national budget is carried out in accordance with international cooperation agreements between the university and foreign partner universities. Documents for participation in the competition can be submitted in 2 ways:

1. Through the department of documentary support of the university, the following list of documents:

1) application of the student;

2) copy of the passport of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) documents on education: transcript of current academic performance certified by the seal of the university;

4) document confirming the level of foreign language proficiency (the applicant provides one of the following documents):

4.1) certificate obtained through international systems of foreign language proficiency assessment (IELTS, TOEFL) if available;

4.2) a letter of consent of the foreign university to accept a student with the existing level of foreign language;

5) medical certificate (for traveling abroad) according to the form №072/u;

6) written consent of parents, guardians, legal representatives of the applicant to travel abroad, if he/she has not reached the age of eighteen at the time of departure from the Republic of Kazakhstan;

7) a document on family composition, to confirm that the student's family has many children (if any);

8) a document confirming the absence of parents of the student (for the category of students who are orphans or students left without parental care (if available);

9) a document confirming the student's disability (if available).

2. To the portal egov.kz:

application signed by the applicant's EDS;
electronic copy of the passport of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
electronic copy of documents on education:
transcript of current academic record certified by the university seal;
electronic copy of the document confirming the level of foreign language proficiency (the applicant shall provide one of the following documents):
5.1) a certificate obtained through international systems of foreign language proficiency assessment, if available;

5.2) a letter of consent of the foreign university to accept a student with the existing level of foreign language;

electronic copy of the medical certificate (for a student traveling abroad);
electronic copy of the written consent of the applicant's parents, guardians, legal representatives to travel abroad, in case the applicant has not reached the age of eighteen at the time of departure from the Republic of Kazakhstan;
electronic copy of the document on family composition, to confirm that the student's family has many children (if any);
electronic copy of the document confirming the absence of parents of the student (for the category of students who are orphans or students left without parental care (if any);
electronic copy of the document confirming the student's disability (if available).
 Selection of applicants is carried out by the commission for the selection of applicants according to the "Rules of direction for study abroad, including within the framework of academic mobility" approved by the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 19, 2008 № 613.

Consultations on the organization of the competition, selection procedure, necessary documents are conducted by the deputy deans for scientific-innovative activity and international cooperation of each faculty.

Work schedule:

1) Document Support Department: from Monday to Friday from 09:00 hours to 18:00 hours with a lunch break from 13:00 hours to 14:30 hours, except weekends and holidays, according to the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Acceptance of documents and issuance of the result of rendering of the state service is carried out from 09:00 hours to 17:30 hours with a break for lunch from 13:00 hours to 14:30 hours.

Reception is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis, without prior appointment and accelerated service.

Address: Almaty, 71 Al-Farabi Ave. Rectorate, 7th floor, 705 office.

2) Portal egov.kz: round the clock.

Deadline for submission of documents until July 5, 2024