Youth Forum «Green bridge through generations»

6 april, 2024

Dear colleagues!  
al Farabi Kazakh National University invites you to take part from April 25 to April 27, 2024 in the X Anniversary International Youth Forum «Green bridge through generations», dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the university.
The purpose of the conference creation of an international dialogue platform for students and young scientists to discuss and highlight current trends in promoting «green» initiatives and research in Earth and environmental sciences in the interests of sustainable development.
Students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists in the field of Earth and environmental sciences, topical issues of international relations, media education and advertising technology are invited to participate in the forum.
Working languages: Kazakh, Russian, English. 
The forum program provides for the work of plenary, sectional and final sessions.  Work in sections in the following areas: 

1.    Modern Climate Change, Environmental Sustainability of Geosystems and life Safety;  
2.    Geoinformation Mapping and Geosystem Modeling to Solve Problems of Geography, Land Management and Cadastre;
3.    Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality: Science, Practice, Initiatives;
4.    «Green» PR for a Sustainable Future;
5.    Current Problems of Modern International Relations and Sustainable Development Goals;
6.    Perspectives for Implementing Effective Solutions for Sustainable Energy Supply