5 april, 2024


On April 5, the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted the International Conference of Students and Young Scientists «Farabi Alemi».

In total, 54 abstracts were received in the section «Actual issues in biology and biodiversity conservation», including 1 thesis from the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, 1 thesis from the K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Research Technical University, 1 thesis from Narxoz University, 1 thesis from Alikhan Bokeikhan University, 4 abstracts from the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abaya, 1 thesis from Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov; 45 abstracts from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

10 reports were presented at the meeting of the section «Actual issues in biology and biodiversity conservation» of the international conference of students and young scientists «Farabi Alemi»:

The commission ordered to pay:

Diploma for the first place in the section «Actual issues in biology and biodiversity conservation» for presentation of the diploma rector – Tursymbay Kalime Sarsembaykyzy, master's student for the 1st Year of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, topic on the report: «Assessment of the state of natural restoration of the Schrenk spruce (Picea Schrenkiana) (on the territory of the zailiyskiy-Alatau SNNP)». Scientific supervisor: k.b.n., assoc.professor N. Z. Akhtaeva

Diploma for the second place in the section: «Actual issues in biology and biodiversity conservation» – Koishekenovoy Dilnaz Miranovna, master's student of the 1st Year of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, topic on the report: «Study of the biomorphological structure of the medicinal plant Nepeta pannonica». Scientific supervisor: k.b.n., assoc.professor N. Z. Akhtaeva

Diploma for the second place in the section: «Actual issues in biology and biodiversity conservation» – Ruslanovoy Diane Ruslanovna, student of the 2nd year Alikhan Bokeikhan University, topic on the report: «Study of lichens using various methods of bioindicationization». Scientific supervisor: Master Bukabayeva ZH. T.

Diploma for the third place in the section: «Actual issues in biology and biodiversity conservation» – Kurbaniyazov Allanazaru Dauletyarov, student of the 4th year of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, topic on the report: «Feeding of pike perch (Sander lucioperca) fish in the pond». Scientific supervisor: k.b.n., associate professor S.M. Shalgimbayeva

Diploma for the third place in the section: «Actual issues in biology and biodiversity conservation» – Akylbek Asem Ulanovna, student of the 4th year of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, topic on the report: «Study of the antiradical activity of biologically active compounds of plants and the prospects for their practical application in medicine».  Scientific supervisor: k.b.n., senior lecturer Abdullaeva B. A.

Diploma for the third place in the section: «Actual issues in biology and biodiversity conservation» – Sanatbek Aruzhan Azamatovna, master's student of the 1st Year of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abaya, topic on the report: «Tamarix L. analysis of the biological characteristics of species of relatives». Scientific supervisor: k.b.n., Tileubayeva Zh. S.

All participants of the conference received certificates of participants.

Secretary: teacher Daulet Kamiliya Aueskeldikyzy.

Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources