KazNU discussed topical issues of modern economics

8 april, 2024

An international scientific-practical conference "Paradigm of sustainable economic development in the conditions of global changes: challenges, consequences, opportunities" was held at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University within the framework of the II International Farabi Forum.

The meeting was attended by the Director of State Enterprise "Institute of Economics" of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of RK Ardak Turgunbaeva, President of the Association of Higher Education Institutions, Rector of Turan University Rahman Alshanov, Chairman of the Board - Rector of NAO "Toraigyrov University" Erkin Sadykov, member of the Board of Directors of Freedom Finance Global PLC Tusup Nukenov, member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Innovation Activity of KazNU Zhamila Aitzhanova, Professor of the State Institute of Technology and Economics named after B.Markiewicz in Poland Rizzard Pukala. Riszard Pukala, scientists from Turkey, Italy, Uzbekistan and other countries, economists, faculty and young people of the university.

During the conference was read out a congratulatory letter from the Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Maulen Ashimbayev. It said: "President Kasym-Jomart Tokayev defined a new economic course of the country. The head of state noted that for the prosperity of the national economy requires new ideas and a systemic position for the long term. I believe that from a professional point of view such meetings are very important to discuss new ideas".

Zhamila Aitzhanova, member of the Management Board and Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Activities, spoke at the event. She emphasised that the Higher School of Economics and Business occupies a special place for our country in training specialists in the field of finance.

"The Higher School of Economics and Business was founded in 1949 and today is climbing to its 75th anniversary. It is the largest and the first faculty in the country that trains highly qualified specialists, including masters and PhDs in economic specialities. The mission of the Faculty is to realise the priority directions of the new socio-economic development of Kazakhstan. The main direction is to train highly qualified personnel for the country's economy, capable of developing and making decisions. It is worth noting that from this faculty graduated well-known economists in the country," - said the Vice-Rector.

The president of the Association of Higher Education Institutions, Rector of Turan Rakhman Alshanov also made a report during the conference and spoke on topical issues of modern economics.

"Not all the countries of the world are developing in the same direction now. Because, each country has its own economic course, besides, all of them have social problems. For example, in Kazakhstan a sufficient share of funds comes from underground wealth such as oil and gas. Half of the profits coming into the economy come from this industry. Therefore, we feel any changes in the economy, such as rising and falling prices, very strongly," Rakhman Alshanov said.

The event was also addressed by Ardak Turgunbaeva, Director of the "Institute of Economics" of the Science Committee, Yerkin Sadykov, Rector and Chairman of the Board of Toraigyrov University, Tusup Nukenov, member of the Board of Directors of Freedom Finance Global PLC, and other experts who noted the importance of today's event. In their speeches, the participants dwelt in detail on problematic issues in the economy and made their proposals for the development of this industry.


The conference also organised seminars and workshops with representatives of the private sector and the business community.  


Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University