«Openness, fairness, sustainability: together for a better future»

9 april, 2024

On April 9, 2024, within the framework of  SDG 16: “Peace, justice and strong institutions”  the lecturer of Russian Philology and World Literature Department,  A.N. Spanbek together with the  1st year students of  «6B10105 – Public Health» major   held a round table discussion  on the topic «Openness, fairness, sustainability: together for a better future».

The round table was organized to discuss the role of civil society in the fight against corruption and in the creation of understanding the importance of openness, justice and sustainability for a better future for the people.

During the round table discussion,  the participants defined the concept of corruption and its impact on various spheres of society. They also discussed how corruption affects fairness and equality in society, and what measures can be taken to ensure equal access to resources and opportunities, and to prevent certain groups from being privileged. They   proposed different  opinions on how corruption influences  the economic and political sustainability of a society.

The round table discussion  became a significant event, helping students understand the importance of their role in the fight against corruption and in supporting  society sustainable development.