SDG “Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth”

10 april, 2024

As part of the implementation of the SDG “Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth,” on April 9, 2024, a meeting was held between 3rd year students of group 309 of the EP “6B04205 Jurisprudence” with representatives of the Zhetysu District Police Department of the Almaty Police Department. The theme of this event was “The future profession of a law student.” The event was organized by the Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure, Labor Law of the Faculty of Law.

During the meeting, the head of the department of educational and personnel work of the Zhetysu District Police Department, police lieutenant colonel Nazgul Zhakanovna Kalykbaeva, spoke about the specifics of work in the police and highlighted the procedure for employment and further service in law enforcement agencies.

In particular, in the conversation, the guests highlighted the interesting features of police service, the conditions and requirements for admission, the students were also interested in: the amount of wages and salary depending on the length of service and special rank, health benefits, free medical care in departmental hospitals organizations, about the peculiarities of employment in the police departments of graduates of civilian universities, career prospects, etc.

The event was also attended by the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Zhetysu District Police Department, Tamtenova Magri Kokpaevna, who shared with interest about her history of activities in the internal affairs bodies, events held and meetings with police veterans.

The students were provided with video materials and booklets covering the procedure and conditions of employment in the police. At the end of the event, the students thanked the police representatives for an interesting meeting. They noted that they learned a lot of new and useful information.


Candidate of legal sciences, associate professor Abikenov A.A.

Senior lecturer, doctor PhD Asanova S.E.