"Sustainable Development Goals the rights of the mother and child"

11 april, 2024

On April 09, 2024, at 14.00 in auditorium 317, the Department of Civil Law and civil procedure, labor law held a scientific seminar on the topic “maternal and Child Rights within the framework of Sustainable Development Goals”. The speaker of this event is candidate of Law, Associate Professor Aldashev S. M

The agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals until 2030 was adopted by the UN in September 2015 after many years of discussion, Interstate consultations and difficult negotiations. It will play an important role in the coming years in defining a global approach to international development, such as the Millennium Development Goals formulated in the Millennium Declaration to sustainable development goals. They cannot but affect the implementation of children's rights by identifying areas that receive funding from international donors and having a significant impact on the issues that are in the focus of NGOs.

The Sustainable Development Goals, aimed at improving the lives of children and young people, are implemented through a series of specific goals and objectives. They are concerned with reducing the scale of poverty and famine (goal 1 and 2), health care (Goal 3), education improvement (goal 4) and gender equality (goal 5), ending child abuse (goal 16.2), as well as other areas that affect children's lives.

Goals, unfortunately, do not include tasks that directly affect the rights of children, despite the obvious emphasis on the interests of children, the adopted program does not take into account a rights-based approach, does not accept children as rights holders. They are not specified as mandatory legal standards where human rights are taken into account, which are directed to the implementation of the program. Disregarding human rights-based approaches, common goals are like restriction, in which children are not seen as holders of human rights, but as objects of charity as before.