Education without education is the worst enemy of humanity. On 07.03.2024, a class on the topic of quality education was held between Myrzataev.ND and students of group 117.

11 april, 2024

      Education without education is the worst enemy of humanity. On 07.03.2024, a class on the topic of quality education was held between Myrzataev.ND and students of group 117.

      An educated person can be recognized from a distance. His words are small, he is very restrained, his behavior is unique. He is always in a hurry to help others. There are no inappropriate words or gestures during the conversation. But there are times when this knowledge is not used in the right direction. Because various nuclear weapons and harmful substances on earth are made by masters of their work, that is, educated people. Al-Farabi says "Education without education is the worst enemy of mankind." The letter of the scientist below is proof of these words.