"Nauryz - the beginning of the year"

12 april, 2024

        CSD 4.For the purpose of quality education, students of 101 group celebrated the holiday "Nauryz - the beginning of the year". Az Nauryz is a holiday of high unity, unity, solidarity and unity, as well as creative traditions of the Kazakh people, the heritage of oral literature, explaining their historical significance. To educate students to love their country, land, morality through popularization of traditions and customs of our people.
        Nauryz is an ancient holiday. To this day it has become a traditional holiday of many peoples of the globe.
The word "Nauryz" means, firstly, "new day", secondly, the celestial bodies arrive at their starting points, and day and night are equal, so it is a folk holiday celebrated as the New Year, and thirdly, the lunar name.
       All endeavors, great endeavors, the people began on this day. For this reason this day is called "the great day of a great deed, i.e. the great day of ulus". Nauryz is the beginning of happiness, the harbinger of good, the day that gave the light of life, blooming feelings, honored by the people.