Adal Urpak

10 april, 2024
April 10, 2024 in the city of Almaty as part of the implementation of the 17 SDGs on the basis of the University named after D.A. Kunaev, a seminar was organized by the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law of the Law Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University within the framework of the “Adal Urpak” project. 

The moderator was the head of the department of theory and history of state and law, constitutional and administrative law Karlygash Rakhimzhanovna Useinova. In her speech, she emphasized that the problem of corruption is a complex social problem affecting various spheres of society, including youth. The younger generation and youth movements play an important role in combating corruption and creating an anti-corruption culture.

The deputy of the Maslikhat of the city of Almaty, Serik Esmatov, spoke at the seminar, who emphasized the importance of involving young people in the fight against corruption and its impact on curbing corruption. He noted that youth constitute a significant part of the population and are the driving force of social change and political transformation.

Kultemirova Leila Timurovna, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor and senior researcher at the Research Center of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M.E. Esbolatova, shared her knowledge about the importance of combating corruption and the system of measures aimed at combating this problem.

During the seminar, social videos dedicated to combating corruption were shown, as well as the film “A Tale of Integrity.”

Leading specialist of the Department of Judicial Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the city of Almaty, 1st year master's student at the Faculty of Law of KazNU Koblandina Aruzhan spoke about the anti-corruption culture and the system of anti-corruption measures.

At the end of the seminar, students filled out feedback questionnaires, expressing their understanding of the importance of fighting corruption and providing feedback on the event.

The seminar “Formation of an anti-corruption culture of youth” within the framework of the “Adal Urpak” project has become an important initiative aimed at attracting the attention of youth to the problem of corruption and creating public awareness of the need to combat this phenomenon. The event promoted the exchange of knowledge, experience and ideas between participants, and also attracted public attention to the problem of corruption and its consequences.

The seminar participants expressed gratitude to all speakers for their contribution to the discussion of issues of anti-corruption culture and the fight against corruption. They also expressed hope that similar events will be held in the future, contributing to the formation of an anti-corruption culture among young people and the creation of an honest and transparent society.