Cooperation with universities of Uzbekistan

21 march, 2024

From March 18 to March 20, 2024, Head of the Department of Analytical, Colloid Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Associate Professor Argimbayeva A.M. and senior lecturer Rakhymbay G.S. within the framework of achieving SDG 4 “Quality education” (4.3.4 Educational outreach outside the university complex) and SDG 17 “Partnerships for sustainable development goals” (17.2 Relationships to support sustainable development goals) visited Karakalpak State University, Nukus Mining Institute at the Navoi State Mining and Technological University in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

During the visit, they held several meetings to discuss plans for jointly achieving sustainable development goals in the field of education, gave lectures on “Analytical Chemistry” and “Electrochemistry” for students and conducted a seminar for teachers, where they talked about al-Farabi KazNU, scientific directions, and opportunities for cooperation.

Such mutual visits help strengthen international cooperation between universities and improve the educational process.