Introducing schoolchildren to the Department of the Far East

12 april, 2024

On April 11, 2024, the Faculty of Oriental Studies held an “Open Day” for school and gymnasium students. At this event, schoolchildren also got acquainted with the Korean and Japanese departments of the Far East Department.

As part of the “Festival of Oriental Culture” organized at this event, 3rd year students of the Japanese Studies department performed Abai’s song in Japanese “Kozimnіn karasy”, which received special attention from the schoolchildren. 3rd year students of the Korean department surprised the audience by dubbing a Korean series in Kazakh.

At the end of the event, schoolchildren got acquainted with the national dishes and sweets of eastern peoples. The schoolchildren tried the Japanese national dish “onigiri”, prepared by students of the Japanese department. And the Korean branch, with the support of the VCA (VCA) company, a distributor of Korean food products in Kazakhstan, distributed Korean national dishes and drinks among schoolchildren and introduced them to Korean culture.