Jurisprudence and international law

11 april, 2024

11.04.2024 SDGS (UN) - as part of the implementation of the online anti-corruption School of the project office "Sanaly Urpak", created at the Department of "jurisprudence and international law" of the University "Turan" on the topic "some problems of using mass media to combat corruption", the lawyer of the Almaty City Bar Association, the Law Faculty of kaznu, the theory and history of state and law, the teaching staff of the Department of constitutional and administrative law Smagulova Sanray Kanatkyzy and lecture No. 6 "prevention and counteraction of corruption in the mass media" were conducted by the deputy head of the Department of jurisprudence and international law, PhD Dr. Dzhumabaeva Karlygash Asilkhanovna. During the lecture, the audience was asked questions and exchanged views. The lecturer noted the problems of his research and Practice, introduced the ways to solve these problems.
Audience participating in the lecture:
1) students of the municipal state institution "Adi Sharipov Basic School" of the Department of education of the Zharminsky District of the Department of Education of the Abay region
2) students of grades 9,10,11 of the municipal state institution "General Education School No. 198" of the Department of Education of Almaty
3) students of grades 10-11 of the municipal state institution" Malybay Secondary School " of the Department of education of Enbekshikazakh District of Almaty region
4) students of the 11th grade of the municipal state institution "Secondary School-Preschool mini-center named after A. Sattarov" of the Department of education of Enbekshikazakh District of Almaty region
5) activists of the Anti-Corruption Organization "Sanaly Urpak", created at the Department of jurisprudence and international law
6) students of the Faculty of Humanities and law of the University "Turan"