The world of art

10 april, 2024

        The world of art is the most valuable thing in our world. The only place that promotes spiritual perfection and cultural growth is the theater. Like other types of art, theatrical art is one of the main forms of social thought.  
        On 10/04/2024, the students of the ISK - 112 group with the curator of the A. E. Sagidolda attended the play “Kulager" at the Kazakh state academic theatre of children and youth named after G.M. Musrepova . In the play, the director tried to portray in stage language, without distracting from the poem written by the poet Ilyas Zhansugurov. We got goosebumps because of the performance of the actor who played the horse, as he got very used to the image. The purpose of this performance is to convey to the poet the attitude of the people, the horror and humiliation that he suffered in harsh times. The students got a good impression of the performance and exchanged opinions with each other. 
          Let the scenes from such fiction grow! The theater is the center of the nation and occupies a special place in society. The answer to the question of why you need go to the theater is simple: it raises human intuition, unites people, expands knowledge and literary horizons, influences thoughts and feelings about your life. That is the main purpose of our event and visit to the theater.