Opening ceremony of the joint laboratory "Joint laboratory for Robotics and Intelligent Control Research" between the Faculty of Electronics, Electrical and Control Engineering from Qilu University of technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences) and the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

10 april, 2024

On April 10, 2024, the delegation of Al-Farabi KazNU, consisting of the director of the scientific and educational center "Digital Technologies and Robotics", academician Zh.Zh. Baygunchekov. and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Doszhan N.S. visited the Institute of Automation of the Shandong Academy of Sciences (SDIA) and Qilu University of Technology, Jinan, China. As part of this visit, the opening ceremony of the joint laboratory "Joint laboratory for Robotics and Intelligent Control Research" was held and a cooperation agreement was signed between the Faculty of Electronics, Electrical and Control Engineering from Qilu University of technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences) and the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Al-Farabi KazNU. It is planned that this laboratory will operate both in China and within the walls of our university. As part of the research work of this laboratory, it is planned to submit applications for funding of joint scientific projects to government