Scientific internship of the teaching staff within the framework of the megagrant "Sustainable development of natural, economic and socio-economic systems of the West Kazakhstan region in the context of green development: comprehensive analysis, concept, forecast assessment and scenarios"

16 april, 2024

At the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan, from 04/08/2024 to 04/14/2024, teaching staff of the UNESCO Department of Sustainable Development of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management, Ph.D., Assoc. prof. T.A. Bazarbayeva, Ph.D., assoc. prof. Z.A.Tukenova, Ph.D., Associate Professor G.A. Mukanova completed a scientific internship on the topic: "The processes of soil degradation, the role of soil science and agrochemistry in their solution."

The purpose of the scientific seminar: Cooperation with the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, search for new methods to reduce soil degradation. Upon completion of the internship, the following results were obtained: knowledge of the latest methods of work in the field of soil management - improvement of soil fertility, environmental management of nutrient regime, regulation of soil pollution with heavy metals.

According to the work program, an acquaintance with the history of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (Director General Guliyev A. G.) was conducted.

Presentation – "Structural organization and dynamics of geosystems of the Karatal-Lepsinsky interfluve" (Bazarbaeva T. A.); "Transformation of soil processes during reclamation of technogenically disturbed soils of the Donsky GOK of Khromtau" (Mukanova G. A.); "The effect of pesticides on the mesofauna of dark chestnut soils of the Trans-Ili Alatau" (Tukenova Z.A.).

The presentation reports of the staff of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (Mustafayev M.G., Mirzazade R.I., Sadikov F., Aliyev 3, Huseynova S. M.) were listened to. They also got acquainted with the technical equipment of the 17th laboratory in the soil direction. Field lectures with laboratory specialists were held. An agreement has been reached on staff training, in particular on the internship of doctoral students within the framework of the megagrant.