A new approach to the problem: how students can help fight corruption
At the Faculty of Law of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, the Department of theory and history of State and law, constitutional and administrative law held a round table on the topic: "a new approach to the problem: how students can help fight corruption". The Round Table was attended by the head of the Department of theory and history of State and law, constitutional and administrative law, candidate of Law, Associate Professor K. R. Useinova,
Deputy head of the Department for scientific and innovative activity and international relations-candidate of Law, Associate Professor D. A. Tursynkulova, deputy head of the Department for educational and methodological and educational work - PhD Biskultanova a.m. and invited guests of the game took part in the event. In particular, doctoral students of the Department S. Akhmetova and K. Alikhan and A. Mukhamedzhan, magirant of the 1st course A. Koblandina and student of the 4th course M. Beisetbay shared their reports, exchanged views and answered the questions of students.