Guest lecture

17 april, 2024

On April 17, 2024 at 12.30, a guest lecture was held at Kunaev University on the topic: “Ways to protect the rights of subjects of legal relations: issues of theory and practice” for 3rd and 4th year students and clinicians.
Lecture at the invitation of Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Legal Clinic of the University Kunaev Abdullina L.M. conducted by Ashyralieva Bayan Sovetbekovna, Kalieva Gulmira Saduakasovna, Ph.D., Associate Professors of the Department of Customs, Financial and Environmental Law, Faculty of Law, KazNU. Al-Farabi.
The lecturers noted that despite the global nature and rapidity of changes occurring in society, legal opportunities and legal means of protecting individuals from violations of rights must be effective and stable. Only then will citizens trust state and social institutions, which will lead to constructive processes in social spheres. During the lecture, the participants exchanged views on issues of ensuring effective protection of the rights of subjects of legal relations in modern conditions.