A healthy person is the most valuable fruit of nature!

15 april, 2024

          Within the framework of the 3rd SDGs, on 10/04/2024, with the participation of students of the PK - 101, PK– 201 study groups, college teachers G. M. Akbayeva , A.M. Useinova , A. S. Turegeldieva held an event "Good health and well–being" aimed at maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 
          The main purpose of the event is to explain and promote to students the observance of a healthy lifestyle, avoiding bad habits. 
        The main principle of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition, drinking the amount of water necessary for the body, exercising to tone the body and increase movement. Currently, due to malnutrition in young people and adolescents, the digestive system is disrupted, harm is done to health, i.e. diseases such as inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, ulcers, and stomach cancer are widespread.
          During the event, students were asked various questions and a discussion was organized on the topic of the most precious thing for a person in the world-health. The students realized the importance of maintaining health, outdoor recreation and daily physical activity, avoiding harmful actions, adhering to a healthy diet.