18 april, 2024

In honor of the 90th anniversary of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the UNESCO Department of Journalism and Communication, with the support of the UNESCO Regional Office in Almaty, held the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Models of teaching international journalism for sustainable development” within the framework of the Farabi International Forum ( MTІЈ).


Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovation Activities of the Kazakh National University Zhamila Aitzhanova congratulated the conference participants and noted the university’s successes in the field of sustainable development.

The head of the UN Information Office in Kazakhstan, Representative of the UN Department of Global Communications Vlastimil Samek emphasized that the university has celebrated its 10th anniversary of leading the UN Academic Impact (UNAI) Global Hub for Sustainable Development. “The conference dedicated to journalism education in the field of sustainable development is useful not only for students, but also for journalists in general. Correct interpretation of the Sustainable Development Goals by journalists, objective and thorough transmission of information contributes to the development of any country, strengthens the desire of citizens for virtue,” he said, expressing confidence that there will be many bright and positive ideas at this meeting.

Specialist of the Communications and Information Department of the UNESCO Regional Office in Almaty Sergey Karpov, on behalf of the office, expressed gratitude for the joint activities of the department with the international program for the development of communications on Sustainable Development Goals 4.7., 16.10. He noted the series of UNESCO seminars. In this regard, intensive UNESCO courses on natural disasters are necessary for the Kazakh media during periods of floods, earthquakes, and fires. A specialist from the Regional Office noted the special contribution of the conference to supporting national educational platforms: “The national journalism platform, developed on the basis of two previous projects of the department, continues and develops in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. They use the developments of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and UNESCO resources.” S. Karpov presented UNESCO's journalistic educational series. Including courses on climate change, safety of journalism, gender equality, developed by the UNESCO Chair in Journalism and Communication.

The head of the Department of Political Cooperation of the Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty, Almasha Arenova, congratulated the flagship of national education and science - the Kazakh National University on its 90-year achievements and thanked for its contribution to the development of the country’s education.

Director of the Institute for Sustainable Development named after. Ban Ki-moon on sustainable development at KazNU named after. al-Farabi Zhansaya Isaeva said: “today’s dialogue is multifaceted, journalistic negotiations at the international level emphasize the diplomatic nature of this meeting.”

Professor of the Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communications of St. Petersburg State University, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, political scientist Ilya Bykov introduced the study of artificial intelligence technologies in education.

Feng Wu, a professor at the School of New Media Journalism at Xi'an Jiaotong University, who specially came to the conference from China, emphasized the new status of journalism education in China in his report.

Journalist Vatan Oz, co-founder of Avrupa Media Holding (UK), began his speech by saying: “I am proud to be a partner of such a valuable chair.” The editor of the European media described several models for teaching international journalism in the Sustainable Development Goals, citing the important role of the academic community in training professionals in this direction.

Journalist Yusuf Jinal, founder of the Inter-Media Brussels public foundation (Turkey), shared his thoughts on organizing and conducting practical training for university students, supporting scientific internships for undergraduates and doctoral students.

Associate Professor of Penza State University, Candidate of Philological Sciences Galina Zueva (Russia), Editor-in-Chief of the Public TV Channel “Moldova-1” Lyudmila Barba (Republic of Moldova) touched upon topical issues of training professional journalists.

During the meeting, the UNESCO Department of Journalism and Communication, with the support of the International Program for the Development of Communication (IPDC), held a presentation “Golden middle of the new UNESCO project” on the implementation of the project “Region - Central Asia: journalistic education on migration issues.”

Zhylbek Kerimbek,

Lecturer of the department

UNESCO Journalism and

communications KazNU named after al-Farabi