KazNU hosts Saadi Day literary evening

18 april, 2024

The Al-Farabi Kazakh National University organized a literary evening dedicated to the day of the great poet Saadi Shirazi, one of the brightest representatives of Persian literature.

The event was organized by the Middle East and South Asia Department of the Faculty of Oriental Studies within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Mohsen Faghani, Consul General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Almaty, Ravshan Bobokhonzoda, Consul General of the Republic of Tajikistan in Almaty, Islam Zhemenei, Director of the Scientific Research Center "Turan-Iran", Namazi Nishaburi, Iranian poet, Natalia Em, Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, faculty members and young students took part in the cultural meeting.

The purpose of the literary evening was to exchange opinions about the works of the poet Saadi Shirazi and to promote his heritage.

At the event, the Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, Natalia Em, spoke about the works of Saadi Shirazi, paying special attention to the poet's works "Gulstan" and "Bustan". She also noted that Saadi Shirazi's creative legacy has an extremely high value. His works educate the youth without losing their relevance and importance.

For his part, the Consul General of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mohsen Faghani, noted that the humane nature of Saadi's works, the desire to know the "measure of things," to instill common sense and sympathy for one's neighbor, make his works popular even toda

In addition, the guests of the event talked about the poet's great contribution to world literature, translated materials in Kazakh and new research works.

At the literary evening, students recited Saadi Shirazi's poems from memory in Persian.

Saadi Shirazi is a poet, writer of world format who lived from 1210 to 1291. He was born in Shiraz. Data on the biography of the poet can be found in such works as "Gulstan" and "Bustan". Saadi studied at the Nizamiyah madrasa in Baghdad, the most important center of science and education in the Islamic world of his time, and spent most of his life away from his hometown. Saadi is one of the poets who were familiar with the Qur'an and the Hadith. He used the words and hadiths of the Qur'an rationally in his works. In his works, the poet urges people to enlightenment, goodness, and rejection of evil. Therefore, in memory of the poet who left a rich legacy for future generations, Saadi Day is celebrated on April 21 in the Iranian calendar.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University