One of the classes in the Chinese group

16 april, 2024

Within the framework of SDG 4 – quality education, I want to tell you about one of our lessons. Just the other day, a Chinese group that switched to the A2 level of Russian language learning held a class "Portrait. How to describe a person." Our subject is called "Speaking."

We have formulated the concept of "Portrait". And they began to analyze the appearance: face, eyes, gaze, hair, figure, facial expressions and gestures. We found out what color eyes are. What eye color dominates the Chinese and Kazakhs. It was clarified that brown the color refers to brown, but not in relation to the hair (brown) and eyes (brown) of people. We learned that according to the "suit" people are divided into blondes, brunettes, brown-haired (brown again), light-haired and red-haired.

The students searched the Internet for redheads. They described the color of their eyes and skin, complained that redheads are most likely afraid to sunbathe. One student said he saw a red-haired Kazakh with green eyes. We were surprised and went on.

We have worked with new vocabulary to describe the look of a person. It was determined that the look is most often associated with certain emotions.

We worked on facial expressions, which are also related to human emotions.

We stopped at the gait and speech of a person, at speech in the sense of how a person speaks (tempo, clarity, articulation, sonority). They gave examples from the group, who walks with what gait and how he speaks.

We noticed that people are often inattentive. Even to those with whom they study in the same group. For example, they asked one person to leave the classroom. And they started it to describe him. Black hair – you can't go anywhere, Chinese, but you forgot that he has brown eyes and glasses. Often people who always wear glasses merge with them, and everyone forgets about this detail. In general, we laughed and joked. We got homework: describe someone from the class in the most detail. When students read the portrait, we will have to guess who it is about. The speaker works without a piece of paper. Describes his "hero" by heart.

This is a regular lesson on the subject of "Speaking", which we conduct in foreign groups. In this case, I described a lesson on the topic "Portrait. How to describe a person."