SDG 7-Educational hour"Affordable and environmentally friendly energy"

19 april, 2024

     We conducted an educational hour with the 3rd courses of the Department of cartography and Geoinformatics of kaznu -" affordable and environmentally friendly energy".

     Despite the fact that the state of Kazakhstan is one of the leaders in ensuring universal access to energy services, there are still issues of uninterrupted energy supply and the use of clean fuel and technologies. In some rural areas, the power supply is at a low level, and about 1, 5 million people use polluting fuels, including coal. For the global transition to clean fuel, Kazakhstan needs to develop the country's gas infrastructure.


     The latest topical news is developing a concept for hydrogen energy, which consists of three stages:

* The first is hydrogen production using new technologies;

* The second is its transportation and storage;

* Third-creation and development of hydrogen fuel

     Alternative and renewable energy is gradually replacing traditional energy sources. Among the already successful startups, there are striking examples, which, we are sure, will be able to demonstrate not only the Environmental, but also economic efficiency of this industry.


