My aim is to become an expert in my field, nanotechnology

22 april, 2024

Studying abroad is  always a unique expe­rien­ce that provides young people who came  from different countries  to get education with great opportunities. It gives them access to a vast new world of know­ledge that will make them grow not only academically but also personally. 

In a new environment students have the opportunity to discover themselves while gaining an understanding of a different culture. Being in a new place tests their ability to adapt to diverse situations. It is a wonderful opportunity for them to experience and understand the people, its customs and traditions, and its culture, learn their language, taste new foods, make new friends, etc.

In this article I would like to introduce my Afghan student Mukhammad Hashami, who is studying in my English group. He seems to have adapted well to his new life in Kazakhstan. What is very good he speaks decent Kazakh. Mukhammad is a young man with clear goals to gain knowledge and skills that will enable him to contribute to the development of new and improved technologies, which will have a positive impact on society. This is what he says about himself:

About myself and why I chose Al-Farabi university to study? My name is Muhammad Hashami from Kandahar city, Afghanistan. I was a lecturer in the chemistry department at the Mirwais Khan Nika Zabul Institute of Higher Education before, studying at Al-Farabi Kazak National University. After completing my bachelor's degree, I was looking for the best university to study my master's degree, and my strong desire was to continue studying and pursue my studies in the field of chemistry. As I looked for many different universities around the world. I have chosen Al-Farabi Kazakhstan National University (KazNU) for pursuing my master's degree and I have several reasons to choose KazNU instead of other universities. The university's reputation for excellence, scholarships, available research facilities and the applicability of its research fields made KazNU the ideal choice for my master's degree. For example, KazNU is one of the best universities in the world famous for its excellence in education and research and state-of-the-art facilities, which makes it for students an ideal place to study and conduct research. I was fortunate enough to receive a scholarship under the Bologna Process to study at KazNU. This scholarship provided me with the financial support needed to pursue a master's degree and allowed me to study at one of the best universities in the world. Honestly, I feel KazNU has enough requirements to carry out and complete research projects. As a chemistry student, my aim is to become an expert in my field and for this, research is an integral part of our education and the facilities available at KazNU is well suited for carrying out research projects.

Overall, I am studying a new and applicable branch of chemistry (nanomaterial and technology in chemistry) that corresponds to my previous scientific work and training. Al-Farabi Kazak National University have prepared a suitable academic environment for all national and inter­na­tional students, the teac­hers are very knowledgeable and kind. Specially here in Almaty people are very kind and hospitable, I like them very much. It is my pleasure that I can speak little bit in Kazakh language. Now I live in a dormitory of the university. I made good friends from different nationalities such as Kazakh, China, Russia, Uzbekistan. I feel myself very comfortable here, I believe that the kno­wledge and skills I gain through this program will enable me to contribute to the development of new and improved technologies, which will have a positive impact on society. Overall, I am really glad that KAZNU has provided me with an exceptional opportunity to continue my studies and achieve my academic goals.

Department of Foreign Languages

A. Muldagaliyeva