Debate on the topic “Life imprisonment and other severe punishments for crimes”

22 april, 2024

On April 22, 2024, as part of the implementation of UN SDG No. 16 “Peace, Justice and effective institutions”, 3rd year students held a debate on the topic “Life imprisonment and other severe punishments for crimes.” 

The students presented a wide range of points of view on the topic of punishment for serious crimes. Some advocated the introduction of life imprisonment, pointing to its effectiveness in preventing crimes and protecting society from dangerous criminals. Others argued against this type of punishment, citing the possibility of erroneous conviction, the humanization of the legal system and the potential chances of rehabilitation of convicts.

As part of the debate, the students also actively discussed the use of chemical castration. This controversial method of punishment aroused keen interest and sparked lively discussions among the participants, highlighting the complexity and multifaceted aspects of the issue.

Students' opinions regarding chemical castration are divided. Some supporters see it as an effective means to prevent repeat crimes and protect society from crimes in the field of sexual integrity of minors. Others express concerns about its ethics, possible side effects, and human rights issues.

"The debate on chemical castration has shown that this is a complex and sensitive issue that requires careful and reasoned consideration," said professor Zhakysh A.Zh. "Students have demonstrated a deep interest in this topic, as well as the ability to consider it from different points of view."

"The debate provided a unique opportunity for students to express their opinions on this important issue, as well as to hear the arguments of the opposite side. This allows them to develop the skills of analysis, critical thinking and persuasion - which is extremely important for future leaders and members of society.” - said the associate professor of the department, O.T. Tlepbergenov.

The event demonstrated that the issue of the severity of punishments for crimes remains relevant, and also shed light on the complexity of punishments for crimes and their impact on society and human rights. The debate also highlighted the need for further research on this topic and the search for more effective and fair methods of criminal prosecution.