Academic Mobility is a Valuable Experience

22 april, 2024

What are the benefits of academic mobility for students? Why is international experience important? How can new knowledge and perspectives be applied to future careers?


In today's world, where globalization has become an integral part of our lives, student academic mobility is becoming an increasingly important part of the educational process. This experience is not only a unique opportunity, but also a key to success for students. Isakhan Ulara Dikhankyzy, a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Law of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, who studied at Adam Mickiewicz University (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu) - one of the leading universities in Poland, located in the city of Poznan, told about the foreign trip within the framework of the academic mobility program. The University was founded in 1919 and named in honor of Adam Mickiewicz, a prominent Polish poet. The University is known for its high level of education, quality research and active participation in international exchange of students and scholars.

Studying in another country gives students access to new teaching methods, approaches and educational programs. It allows students to broaden their knowledge and perspectives in their field. In Poland, Ulara became familiar with the legal system of the European Union, learned to distinguish between methods of assessing the truthfulness of witness testimony in Polish criminal proceedings, and practiced voice polygraph and stimulated questioning with other students.

Overcoming cultural, linguistic and educational barriers in the process of academic mobility contributes to the development of a student's self-confidence and self-esteem, making them better prepared to face future challenges. Living and studying in another country contributes to personal development, helping people to become more independent, open-minded and adaptable. In addition to learning and gaining new knowledge, Ulara Isahan has made many new international friends with whom she continues to socialize and stay in touch. In my opinion, these connections can provide opportunities for new projects, joint research, and further academic internships.

          In one semester, Isahan Ulara gained serious knowledge from highly qualified professors in the field of jurisprudence and rich cultural exchange. In addition, she proudly represented our country and university by sharing the invaluable knowledge she gained at her alma mater.

Isakhan Ular separately noted the people who contributed to the direction of academic mobility: "I express my gratitude to the leadership of the university, the deputy dean for research and innovation work and international relations Saida Ergashevna for detailed explanatory work, and the head of the department Karlygash Rakhimzhanovna and supervisor Dinara Akhanovna for supporting participation in the program of academic mobility. I also congratulate on the 90th anniversary of KazNU named after Al-Farabi.  For 90 years, the university has reached many heights and can be proud of many achievements at the national and international levels. I wish KazNU continued success and prosperity".

Saida ASANOVA PhD Doctor, Deputy Dean for NIDIMS, UF


3rd year student of the Faculty of Law