World Book Day was widely celebrated in KazNU

23 april, 2024

World Book and Copyright Day was widely celebrated at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.


In honor of the significant date, a book exhibition "Let's Remember the Forgotten Books" was organized in Farabi Library, which is traditionally held in the university.

The exhibition presented books of various genres, newspapers and magazines published in the twentieth century.

The event was attended by teachers, readers of the library and young people.

The deputy director of the library Zhadyra Arekenova told the visitors in detail about the history, content of the books and newspapers presented at the exhibition.

It should be reminded that Farabi library has the largest book fund among the higher educational institutions of Central Asia, including more than 2 million copies.

During the exhibition, students visited the Absattar Derbisali Rare Books and Manuscripts Fund, which will be opened in 2022, as well as the Main Book Storage Fund. The youth had a great opportunity to get acquainted with ancient books and manuscripts written by scholars.

It should be noted that the faculties actively participated in the celebration of the World Book Day. The Faculty of Medicine and Public Health held an exhibition "Turning the pages of a new book", where the best publications in the field of medicine were presented to the students.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University