The book is an inexhaustible spiritual wealth

23 april, 2024

On 23.04.2024у. a round table on the topic " Кітап - сарқылмайтын рухани байлық " was held at the Faculty of Medicine and Public Health.  
Teachers of the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Evidence-based medicine and students of the ЕР "Public Health" participated. The students discussed with interest the book by the author Azilkhan Nurshayykov, entitled " Махаббат қызық мол жылдар ", as well as the book "Цветы для Элджернона" by the author Daniel Keyes. 
Teachers and students actively exchanged opinions and impressions about the books, which fascinated with their beauty and depth of thought. They discussed the topics of love, friendship, loyalty and devotion that were covered in these books.
Each student found something in the book that touched his heart and made him think about important things in life. Many people talked about what lessons they learned from this book and what changes they are ready to make in their lives after reading it. The round table proved to be a real source of inspiration and motivation for students, allowing them to feel like a part of something bigger and important. The book is not just a source of knowledge, but also a guide to self-knowledge and self-development.

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