X International Russian-Kazakh scientific-practical conference “Chemical technologies of functional materials”, devoted to the 90th anniversary of al-Farabi Kazakh National University April 25-26, 2024

22 april, 2024

X International Russian-Kazakh scientific and practical conference “Chemical technologies of functional materials” will be held on April 25-26, 2024. It is timed to the 90th anniversary of the founding of Al-Farabi KazNU, which is a forge of personnel for many industries of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The conference will take place in the academician Yergozhin E.E. conference hall in a mixed offline/online format.

In the course of the conference there will be a discussion of topical problems of chemical technologies of functional materials.

The program of the school-conference included plenary lectures of leading domestic and foreign experts in the field of synthesis and materials research from research and educational institutions of Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Morocco. Also, more than 100 young scientists and students of higher educational institutions and leading research centers of Almaty, Novosibirsk, Astana, Surgut, Tomsk, Karaganda, Tyumen will take part in the sectional work of the conference.

The work of the conference will be held in two thematic sections “Technologies of functional materials” and “General chemical technologies”, in which both oral and poster reports will be presented.

We express our gratitude to all conference participants and guests who found time to participate in the conference. We wish fruitful discussions and new achievements!


Aubakirov E.A.
Akbayeva D.N.
Yeshova Zh.T