Students were awarded diplomas and financial certificates
From April 4 to April 5, 2024, 72 articles were submitted to the international scientific conference of students and young scientists “Farabi Alemi”, of which 22 were submitted by students of the specialties “State and Local Administration”, “Management”, “Project Management”, “Administrative Management” - 12 (4 foreign), master's students - 9 (2 - Kazakh universities), doctoral students - 1 (1 foreign university) reports. The chairman of the commission for the fourth section is Professor Zh. Zh. Belgibaeva, the secretary is Master S. I. Taszharganov.
The best speakers were awarded diplomas of I, II, III degrees: diploma of I degree - Sansyzbay SamalSamatovna, supervisor - Zhainazar A. Z. Diploma of II degree was awarded to: Netilla Dauren Serikul, supervisor - Taszharganov S. I.; Abilbasharova Sabina Sayasatovna, supervisor - Abraliev O. A. Diplomas of the third degree were awarded to: Vasilyeva Violetta Sergeevna, Pryadeina Alena Sergeevna, supervisor - Makunina I. The Department of Management issued financial certificates to the diploma holders.