
24 april, 2024

23.04.2024 Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of the Faculty of Law of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University M.K. Bisenova held a «KitapFest» campaign with 1st year doctoral students dedicated to the World Book and Copyright Day of the al-Farabi Library.
The event is aimed at forming and strengthening a culture of learning among researchers and students. The campaign is intended not only to stimulate the development of learning habits, but also to enrich the knowledge of participants by achieving a wide range of literary genres and other directions. Such an action helps to open up new ideas and perspectives, expanding the boundaries of understanding books.
The event dedicated to World Book and Copyright Day strengthened respect for the historical heritage and academic mission of the library, confirming its status not only as a book repository, but also as a center for intellectual development and scientific communications.