VIII Kazakhstan student scientific and practical conference “Chemical physics and nanomaterials” within the framework of SDG 4

18 march, 2024

Within the framework of SDG 4, the main goals and objectives of which are: 1) stimulation of educational, cognitive and educational and research activities of students; 2) revealing the professional and personal potential of students, their self-awareness, creative abilities, creating conditions for self-realization and self-affirmation; 3) education of active citizenship of students; 4) selection and support of the most talented and gifted students. In this regard, on March 15, 2024 at al-Farabi KazNU, the VIII Kazakhstan student scientific and practical conference “Chemical Physics and Nanomaterials” was held, dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of three times Hero of Socialist Labor, Academician Ya.B. Zeldovich. The main goal of the conference is to support and develop the scientific activities of young scientists. The best scientific poster presentations were awarded diplomas of I, II and III degrees and monetary rewards:

I degree diploma – 2nd year student Ilyanov Akram;

II degree diploma - 3rd year student Azamatkyzy Ayaulym, 1st year master's student Serikkazinova Akbota;

III degree diploma - 3rd year student Makhsutov Tair, 3rd year students Orazova Z. and Makhpirova R., 2nd year master's student Laura Seymukhanova.

As a result of the conference, a collection of abstracts was published in printed form (ISBN 978-5-7782-4398-9).


PhD Supiyeva Zh.A. being the chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the Institute of Combustion Problems, she was an active organizer of a scientific event under the leadership of Doctor of Chemical Sciences, professor, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan Z.A. Mansurov.


Supiyeva Zh.A.

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